Trees for Cars: Ride-sharing is Caring
An impressive example of altruistic entrepreneurship, reducing poverty and increasing environmental awareness is seen with the release of an independent ride share app called “Trees for Cars.” A homeless Leo Grand, code developer for the app, spent 1-hour a day for 16 weeks, learning how to code (in a Manhattan Park) from Patrick McConlogue.

According to iTunes, the current version of this app has 407 reviews which average a rating of 4.7 stars out of 5 stars. Grand says his mobile app is a, “great way to build relationships, strengthen communities, help each-other financially and energy wise, all under the umbrella of saving the environment." In addition to connecting drivers and riders, like other popular ride-share companies like Uber, Lyft, and Sidercar, Trees for Cars uniquely provides information on how much CO2 the user is saving with each ride, uplifting environmental awareness “through a healthy competition amongst users to save the most CO2”, says Grand. Some people may wonder if Trees for Cars has been subjected to any of the recent ride-sharing regulations imposed by the California Public Utilities Commission upon ride-share companies, following public outrage by many taxi-cab drivers in Los Angeles. The good news is that Trees for Cars is exempt because the primary purpose of its ride-sharing members is not to make a profit, and trips are distinctly pre-arranged.
RESOURCES: Trees for Cars - iTunes - Uber, Lyft, and Sidecar - recent ride-sharing regulations - California Public Utilities Commission - Yahoo -