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L’ArcoBaleno: A Rainbow of Collectibles

Fusion cuisine, music mash-ups, and conversational portmanteau (when two existing words are merged into one new word, like chillax) are akin to the entrepreneurial imperative of making something old anew. With indoor hammocks and single color palettes decreed dying trends, I was refreshingly inspired by L’ArcoBaleno, an online resource for exploring, discovering, and collecting extraordinary designs from around the world. Ambra Medda, co-founder and director of L’ArcoBaleno, is an obvious edutainer, featuring stories and designs like Bokja, more magical than melted crayon art, that express an evolutionary trend for synergy amongst designers, institutions, students, luxury brands, and communities. Medda is raising the bar for online marketplace masterpieces to frenemy levels. LINKS: portmanteau - L’ArcoBaleno - Bokja - melted crayon art -

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